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Tree Farmer Alert | |||
Sunday, March 10, 2016 |
SAF event that is open to the Tree Farmerscontributed by |
SAF Southeast Chapter meeting
· Greg Wilkins talking to group about forest products
2019 Joint Annual Meeting
Join us for the Joint Annual Meeting BBQ and field trip of the Colorado/Wyoming Society of American Foresters. Colorado Timber Industry Association, and Colorado Tree Farmers. Register and view more information
Battles Over Logging and Money Delay Wildfire Prevention Workcontributed by |
President Donald Trump wants the federal government to do more this year to prevent wildfires on public lands, including about 20 percent more logging on national forests. But environmentalists argue that expanding logging could do more harm than good. And forestry experts say the president’s push in a December executive order for more “active management” of public lands — a concept most agree is a good idea — won’t get far unless Congress pays for it.
Young forests are storing much more carbon than previously realizedcontributed by
While the oceans are the largest carbon sink on the planet, forests make a major contribution as well. A new study by the University of Birmingham has revealed that more than half of the carbon stored in the world’s forests is located in regions where the trees are relatively young. |
Renewable Jet Fuel from Woody Biomasscontributed by
According to the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks (1990-2016), the transportation sector is one of the largest contributors to U.S anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, at 28%. Of the 28%, aircraft transportation contributes 9% of emissions. Luckily, biobased technology companies have found ways to convert post-harvest forest residuals, or left over woody biomass, into renewable jet fuel.
UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING — Loss of the heat-shielding forest canopy and the obstacle of fallen trees have caused elk to avoid beetle-killed areas of the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest, according to new research by University of Wyoming scientists.
Magnetic north just changed. Here's what that means.contributed by |
Magnetic north has never sat still. In the last hundred years or so, the direction in which our compasses steadfastly point has lumbered ever northward, driven by Earth's churning liquid outer core some 1,800 milesbeneath the surface. Yet in recent years, scientists noticed something unusual:
Ecological Implications of Fire Suppression by Mark Hudsoncontributed by |
I haven’t gotten my hands on this book or article yet but the review below makes perfect sense.
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